
Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Day 11 of the Ultra Simple Diet

Rise and Shine!

Good morning cupcakes,

Workout for today:
Bikini Yoga -16 ish minutes
Bikini Body Routine 2- 17 ish minutes
Tiny Apartment Workout-10 min.
AB workout - 5 min
Bikini Bottom workout-10 min

Total workout:about 48 minutes

Four more days until 14 Days of the Ultra Simple Diet are under my belt. I will be taking more progress pictures then. I was also so excited to answer a reader's question yesterday. I am hoping this breaks the ice for others to ask questions :)

Another thing I have noticed about following this diet is that I save money on groceries! A big plus when you are in college or on a tight budget. I am not throwing out as much food either. I also notice that I do not eat mindlessly like I use to. I do not get as hungry between meals since I have a regular eating schedule with a consistent diet.

My goal for the rest of the week is trying to drink more water. To make it a specific goal to reach I am going to try to drink 2 1/2 water bottles (my water bottle this week is 1.5 liters).

If you guys have noticed I have been incorporating yoga into my daily workouts. This makes me feel better, my muscles are not as tight, and it also workouts your whole body. It is a healthy part of my day for my mentality. I have noticed I have more flexibility and I actually look forward to starting my day off with yoga (I got a yoga mat for Christmas along with a 20 lb. kettlebell and I am kind of obsessed). For my 2 daily Ultra smoothies, I make them the night before in a generic bullet. It makes them easy to grab and go. I get all of my meals separated the night before so that packing my lunch box (which is more like a cooler because it is so big) is faster and easier.

Those are my thoughts, tips, and workouts for today!

Later Taters!

Any questions?

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