
Sunday, January 11, 2015

Day 9 of the Ultra Simple Diet

Good Morning!

So reflecting about this diet journey. Before I started, I used to consume a lot of sugar free gum. I would go through a lot! One thing about gum is that it is made of chemicals and chewing it can make you bloat. I still wish I could find something that would make my breath fresher after eating. I may try a mouth wash or something. I am paranoid about having bad breath. I also used to drink water with MIO and other flavorings. Those are also made of chemicals and other ingredients that are not naturally. I think avoiding these chemically made things such as sweeteners like sucrose, aspartame, etc. is part of the reason I am feeling better.

Today I am working out at home. Here are the videos I will be doing:

1. yoga
2. Full Body 30 min

For anyone who hasn't read my previous posts here is a overview of what the Ultra Simple Diet looks like:


One week before you start the program, prepare your body for all the goodness to come by shedding habits that interfere with your metabolism. Eliminating items from your diet in a systematic way may keep you from experiencing potential withdrawal symptoms and jump-start the process to weight loss and vital health.
Over the course of the preparation week, you should eliminate these items from your diet entirely. Remember, in some cases they are hidden in places you may not expect. Be as vigilant as you can about reading labels and making sure the foods you eat do not contain the following:
  • Caffeine (except from green tea)
  • Processed and refined carbohydrates and sugar
  • High-fructose corn syrup
  • Hydrogenated (trans) fats
  • Alcohol
  • Also avoid processed, packaged, junk or fast foods.
Once you’ve completed your preparatory week, you’re ready to embark on the 7-Day UltraSimple Slimdown plan. Use the recipes on the following pages to prepare the UltraShake and UltraBroth called for in each day’s meal plan, and use the Avoid and Enjoy lists to create balanced meals for yourself.



Here are the foods you will include in your recommended meals over the course of the 7-Day UltraSimple program:
  • Filtered water (six to eight glasses per day)
  • Fish, especially small, nonpredatory species such as sardines, herring, wild salmon, black cod or sable fish,
    sole, and cod
  • Lean white-meat chicken breasts (preferably organic)
  • Fresh or frozen noncitrus fruits, ideally berries only (preferably organic)
  • Fresh vegetables (preferably organic)
  • Fresh vegetable broth (3 to 4 cups a day)
  • Legumes (e.g., kidney beans, black beans, white beans, etc.)
  • Brown rice
  • Nuts and seeds (almonds, walnuts, pecans, macadamia nuts and pumpkin seeds)
  • Ground flaxseeds (preferably organic)
  • Lemons (preferably organic)


During this program, you will avoid the following foods. The list is simply to remind you of the toxic and inflammatory foods that most of us consume daily. Some of the fruits and vegetables, and even eggs and meat, listed here may not be a problem for some of you, but the only way to find out is to stop all of them for one week and listen to what your body tells you.
  • Sugar (including honey, maple syrup, high-fructose corn syrup, etc.)
  • Sugar alcohols such as sorbitol, mannitol, xylitol and maltitol
  • Artificial sweeteners like aspartame, etc.
  • Natural sweeteners like stevia (although this might be fine in the long run, in the short run it stimulates sweet cravings and will sabotage your efforts)
  • Alcohol
  • Caffeine (sodas, coffee, tea — except for green tea)
  • Citrus fruits and juices (except lemon juice)
  • Yeast (baker’s and brewer’s, fermented foods like vinegar)
  • Dairy products (milk, butter, yogurt, cheese)
  • Eggs
  • Gluten (see for a comprehensive list of gluten-containing foods)
  • Corn
  • Beef, pork, lamb or any other meat (except organic poultry)
  • Nightshades (tomatoes, potatoes, eggplant, bell peppers)
  • Peanuts
  • Refined oils and hydrogenated fats
  • Stimulants (these include decongestants, diet pills, ephedra, ma huang and yerba mate)
  • All flour products
  • Processed foods or food additives (fast food; junk food; any foods that come in a box, package, can, or that are commercially prepared using chemicals, preservatives and other unnatural ingredients to make them shelf-stable)


By steering clear of foods on the Avoid list and combining the foods in the Enjoy list with the UltraBroth and UltraShake recipes that follow, you will nourish your body and keep your metabolism humming over the course of the seven-day program. You should not feel physically hungry, and by taking the recommended UltraBaths, you will both assist your body in expelling toxins and help keep your stress (which causes both inflammation and cravings) at a low level.
Breakfast (7 a.m.–9 a.m.)
  • Lemon juice (from 1/2 lemon) and hot water
  • 1 cup of decaf or caffeinated green tea steeped in hot water for five minutes. (You may also have the green tea later in the day. Limit your intake to 2 cups a day.)
  • UltraShake (recipe below)
If no bowel movement by 10 a.m., take two herbal laxative tablets (you can take two senna or cascara tablets to ensure you have a bowel movement).
Morning Snack (10 a.m.–11 a.m.)
  • 1 cup UltraBroth (recipe below)
  • Another UltraShake (if you are hungry)
Lunch (12 p.m.–1 p.m.)
  • 2 cups or more of steamed or lightly sautéed veggies (you should eat enough to feel gently satisfied)
  • 1/2 cup cooked brown rice
  • 1/2 cup fruit or berries for dessert (either here or at dinner, not both, and only one or two times during the seven-day program)
  • UltraShake (optional)
Afternoon Snack (2 p.m.–3 p.m.)
  • 1 cup UltraBroth
  • UltraShake (if you are hungry)
Dinner (5 p.m.–7 p.m.)
  • 4 to 6 ounces of fish or chicken breasts cooked with olive oil and lemon juice or 4 to 6 ounces of tofu or legumes (if using canned, rinse them well)
  • 2 cups or more of steamed or lightly sautéed veggies (eat enough to feel gently satisfied)
  • 1/2 cup cooked brown rice
  • 1 cup UltraBroth
The recipes for the ultra broth and ultra smoothies can be found at this link: The Ultra Simple Diet explained

Later Taters! Keep up the hard work

1 comment:

  1. Okay, so not sure why my phone wouldn't let my comment upload to the post with you answering my question!

    I wanted to let you know that this has helped me so much!! I appreciate the time you take to blog and answer questions!! I also had an eating disorder, and it is no bueno! Thanks again!


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