
Thursday, February 12, 2015

My biggest pet peeves

Good morning cupcakes!

So today I thought it might be interesting to share some of my biggest pet peeves.

#1 People chewing with their mouths open
#2 When someone is using my favorite machine at the gym
#3 When people are grumpy and they drag me down from my happy mood
#4 A messy house drives me crazy!
#5 I hate when I hear that someone skipped a meal
Those are some of the ones I could think of right now

What are some of your pet peeves?

So, my boyfriend is coming down to visit me for Valentine's Day and I cannot wait for him to try my healthy brownies and my almond date bites! I think he will love them. I am also making him dinner. I am planning on making tilapia, roasted sweet potatoes and zucchini, and maybe some quinoa for him. I love that he will try the foods I make (he's beginning to like the healthy food I cook him :D ).

Here is the link for today's Yoga Video: DAY FOUR YOGA

I hope you are all sticking with it and using this blog as motivation. I know that it makes me feel good and makes me more aware of my body.

I found this interesting article Titled "Top 10 Fat Triggers Revealed" if anyone is interested in reading it: Article LINK

I am also wondering what my readers would like me to talk about, things they like me to post, etc. It seems from the view count that people like to see my progress pictures and recipes. Comment below (pretty pretty please!). I really want this blog to be about helping you all and sharing my knowledge about healthy living.

I hope you all have a fantastic Thursday and if you need cheered up watch this video:Noah Ritter on Ellen I seriously laughed the whole time!

Later Taters!


1 comment:

  1. My pet peeved are:

    1. Loud eaters (chomping)
    2. When people sit at the weight machines while I'm waiting to use one of them.
    3. When people complain that they don't have time to workout.
    4. Comments about how I eat too healthy.

    Great article! Past traumas truly due affect your health, whether overweight or underweight. Mindset is definitely very important!

    I enjoy the progress pictured, so keep them coming! Also, what if you posted more healthy recipes? Have you thought more about posting a workout/yoga video of yourself? You could also do a video of yourself doing a Q&A of questions people post or popular fitness questions/myths. I'll think of some more stuff and post later! :)


Thank you so much for taking the time to visit my blog. I love hearing from readers, so feel free to comment below xoxo