
Saturday, February 28, 2015

Weekend Get-A-Way

Good evening cupcakes!

Sorry I have been MIA lately. Spring Break started and I went to Pittsburgh with my boyfriend. I wanted to let you all know that it is possible to stay healthy and on track when you travel. The hotel we stayed at has a gym in the basement that I used today. I had a killer workout. I also kept a food log for you all to see!

 I prepped my weekly meals and brought them with me. Tonight. I didn't eat my prepped meal because we went out to dinner.

Two key things about traveling: pack healthy prepped food and snacks (preportioned) and also find time to get exercise no matter what form. I could have completed a workout in my hotel room using YouTube videos if the hotel didn't have a gym.

I have been sticking to my portions and I can already tell a difference. I bought new Tupperware that is helping me practice portion control. The two things that I struggle with most are portioning almonds and portioning my healthy cookies. The containers are helping a lot with that and I also baked my cookies in one serving.

If you guys don't remember, this is my new meal plan (I am in the cutting phase,,, bring on summer!) Follow along on my journey if you want! Comment below and let me know if you choose to follow my meal plans and workouts. As far as the Yoga challenge, I have not completed my daily yoga for a couple days, but plan on picking back up when I get home tomorrow.

I always want to help people and make the most of this blog, so I am wondering if anyone has any questions, topics they want me to blog about, etc. I would love to hear from you all!

Later Taters!

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