
Sunday, March 22, 2015

How to stop mindless eating


SO... I confess this weekend I mindlessly ate, and my body suffered. I had stomach issues and acid reflux all weekend. Its amazing how our bodies try to tell us when they "hate us." I thought I would write a blog post about mindless eating to get me back in the right mindset. I have compiled many different articles into one!
#1 Reject "diet" mentality: Eating healthy should be a lifestyle choice, not a temporary state. 

#2 Honor your hunger: Hungry? Eat. Not hungry? Don't eat. Learn to recognize when you’re actually, truly hungry, and then eat. Never skip meals.

#3 Make peace with food: Food is your friend. But just like you wouldn't want to be friends with someone who is artificial and made up of mostly high fructose corn syrup, your insides would much appreciate it if they didn't have to deal with the same. Learn to look at food as fuel. You’re not working against it, but rather with it. Healthy, whole foods will be your biggest ally in the fight to reach your happiest, healthiest self.

#4 Respect your fullness Just as important as honoring your hunger, is being able to recognize that point when you’re tummy says, “OK, I’m all filled up. You can stop putting more food in me now!” 

#5 Satisfy your body’s needs, not your mind’s wants. Before you know it, the two will become one in the same.

#6 Honor Your Feelings Without Using Food: Food is fuel. That’s that. There’s nothing more to it. Yes, it can be enjoyed. But it can’t be the thing that we turn to when life starts to get a little crazy. And remember, there’s no need to punish yourself for accidentally eating too much, nor should you ever use food as a reward for something. If you ever catch yourself reaching for a snack when you’re not really hungry, take a step back and scan your mind. Try to identify what it is your feeling that triggered a false sense of hunger. 

#7 Respect Your BodyLearn to love it. It’s the only one you've got and the only one you’ll ever have. The two biggest ways you can show your body the respect that it deserves is by exercising and eating healthy. 

#8 The reason we overeatAlthough happiness and boredom are among the feelings that can prompt overeating, Adams rates stress and anxiety as two of the major drivers.
If you're wondering why some of us turn to food for comfort, she believes it's the same reason others turn to alcohol or other drugs - because we're not taught skills to cope with bad feelings as they surface.

#9 The inner therapist in me really liked this: 'We need to recognize that it's OK to have a strong feeling that makes you feel bad - yet we have this idea in our culture that a negative feeling must be banished straight away. Look how often we distract children with something like a biscuit if they're upset,' she says. 'We're not taught to ride out the feeling. Instead we learn to numb it with alcohol, eating or drugs.' 'Yet if you learn to sit with the feeling, you realize that it's like a wave - it builds in intensity and then it passes. It's very empowering to realize you can handle it. I think that as parents we need to teach kids that negative emotions happen, that we're not happy all the time. If my five-year-old says she's annoyed because of something her sister did, I'll say, 'Being annoyed is normal.'

#10 Eat three raisins very slowly, recognize the texture, the sweetness, the shape, the size. Be mindful and aware of you senses and body. Do this daily as a practice to eat mindfully. 

#11'It's also about slowing down and engaging with the food rather than eating while you're doing something else such as working or watching television. If you're not engaged with the food, not only can you miss recognizing the fullness signals but you also miss out on the experience of enjoying the food.

#12"We've all gotten so caught up in the habit of going through our day half asleep. We listen to what our body initially says and assume that’s the right thing without taking a step back and asking 'Why do I want this? How will it make me feel?'" 

#13 The first step to mindful eating is being more mindful of what's on your plate before you even put it there, or tuning in more clearly to what your body and mind are asking for. 

#14 Before you even pick up the fork, take a moment to focus on the plate in front of you. "Use all five senses as a way to slow yourself down and be more aware of whatever it is you’re about to put in your mouth," Cannon says. "What do you see in front of you? Does it look good? Smell it. Does it smell fresh? Does it smell appetizing? Listen to it. Is it bubbling?" 

#15 Once you do take a bite, let the food settle on your tongue before you swallow it, taking time to notice and savor the flavors and textures. Then, as you continue through the meal, acknowledge what else is going on in terms of your body and emotions. 

#16 "The second level becomes emotional. It's about becoming aware of how food makes you feel and how your body changes as a result of eating it," Cannon explains. "Is your stomach rumbling? Are you salivating? Is your body feeling satisfied, more content, less stressed? Start associating the emotions with what you’re eating." 

#17 Drink lots of water and stay in tune with your body's thirst signals. There is a difference between hunger and thirst. My tip: drink a full glass of water 10 minutes before eating.

All of the information came from these articles:

I hope this was helpful. I know that I definitely need to pay more attention- this goes along with what I have been learning in Yoga. Anyone have any tips or tricks to share?

Later Taters!

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