
Monday, June 8, 2015

Day 10 Whole30

Good afternoon cupcakes!

Today marks day 10 of my Whole30 journey. I just purchased the Whole30 book from Amazon last night and I cannot wait to read it.

This morning I did 30 minutes of intervals (1 minute walk followed by 1 minute run, repeat for 30 minutes) on the treadmill.

Next, I completed these two arm workouts using weights:

Upper Body Workout
Upper Body Workout 2

Now on to the food...

Breakfast was hot lemon water and this lovely fruit bowl. It consisted of bananas, strawberries, coconut milk, and ground up almonds. This was my pre-workout fuel. It doesn't look that appetizing in the picture, but it tastes amazing.

Post workout was 2 eggs and spinach. I'm usually hungry after a workout. By eating protein, it stops me from eating everything in my apartment.

Lunch consisted of Whole30 chicken salad (posted previously) and carrots. The chicken salad is soooo good and I will definitely be making it again this weekend!

Dinner will be sweet potatoes topped with lean ground turkey, peppers, onions, jalapenos, and avocado. I am in love with this combo right now.

LOTS of water!
I am trying to snack less between my meals and listen to my body's actual hunger cues. If I feel like my body still needs fuel, I have an apple and some almonds with me to snack on.

That's all I have for you today! 

Peace out!

Later taters!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Sunday Meals & Exercise (Day 2)

    30 minutes weight lifting, 10 minutes

    Breakfast: blueberries, almonds, apple slices
    Snack: 1 hardboiled egg
    Lunch: sweet potato, kale, turkey sausage
    Snack: apple
    Dinner: chicken breast (skinless, boneless), sweet potato, roasted carrots

    Tons of water!

    Monday Meals & Exercise (Day3)

    30 minutes running intervals

    Breakfast: blueberries, almonds, apple slices
    Snack: 1 hardboiled egg
    Lunch: sweet potato, kale, tuna
    Snack: 1 hardboiled egg
    Dinner: sweet potato, turkey sausage, roasted kale

    Today is difficult with no gum, and I am feeling the effects of that. During times of boredom all I want is some gum. Glad to stop this habit, even though it is difficult!

  3. Sunday I did 30 minutes of weights, 10 minutes running intervals. I must have not finished typing that...oooops!


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