
Monday, June 1, 2015

Day 3 Whole30, workout videos, food diary

Good morning cupcakes!

Today I woke up super early and completed these workout videos below:
Body Weight Leg workout (11 minutes)
Adriana Lima Leg workout (14 minutes)
New ways to workout your abs (13 minutes)

This morning for breakfast I had this yummy creation made of coconut milk, bananas, almonds, raisins, and berries. I also had my hot lemon water upon waking.
Here is a picture of my lunch: lean ground turkey cooked with pink Himalayan sea salt, mushrooms, peppers, and onions. I topped it with avocado. 
This is one of my snacks. Fresh berries with two boiled eggs topped with pink Himalayan sea salt. 
This is my dinner which I posted prep for yesterday. It's spaghetti squash, tomatoes, little bit of onions, grilled lean turkey burger, and topped with avocado. (Don't mind my browning avocados lol)
Lastly, this is my small snack that consists of couple tablespoons of coconut milk, 1/4banana, a sprinkle of ground up almonds/raisins/coconut oil.

Here is your motivating quote for the day! 

That's all I have for today! Later taters! 

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