
Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Day 5 of the Whole30, meal pictures, workout, update

Good morning cupcakes!

Today I had time to go to my apartment gym to workout and it makes me miss having time everyday to get to the gym. Anyways, today's workout:

cable row X 12
lat pull downs X 10

Repeat these two exercises 4 times

back extensions w/ 10 lb weight X 10
hamstring curls on machine X 10

Repeat these two exercises 4 times

leg extensions on machine X 10
dead lifts with dumbbells X 10
Calf raises X10

Repeat these exercises 4 times with drop set until failure on the last set of leg extensions

20 lateral lunges (10 each side)
20 curtsy lunges (10 each side)
20 sumo squats
20 walking lunges

Repeat this sequence 3 times

3 minutes on the elliptical
20 minutes on the treadmill doing intervals: walk 1 minute and then run 1 minute

I will also walk after class tonight to get in my daily step goal of 10,000

As you may have noticed, my meals are very similar this week thanks to my weekly prep. I will be making new meals this weekend for next week (watch for my whole30 tuna salad/chicken salad).

Breakfast: hot lemon water upon waking & 1 banana pre-workout. Post workout was 3 hard boiled eggs with pink Himalayan salt

Lunch: sweet potatoes, carrots, peppers, onions, avocado, and a turkey burger

Dinner: spaghetti squash, tomatoes, avocado, and a turkey burger

Snack: almonds and raisins and berries

Lots and lots of water!

Is anyone following along? Comment below and let me know! Anyone wanting to try it out? Comment below and let me know! :D

Later Taters!

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