
Saturday, June 13, 2015

Progress pictures! Half way Whole30

Good afternoon cupcakes! 

So... Today is half way on my Whole30 journey! I took some progress photos for you to see. There's not a huge change, but I feel a change inside. I feel less bloated and have less cravings. I cannot wait to see my progress in another 15 days. 
Here is a picture of my breakfast: 2 eggs, avocado, and fruit.
Today was meal prep day so pictured below are my meals for the week. This one is chicken salad with Whole30 approved mayo (homemade: olive oil, egg, pink Himalayan salt, and dry mustard). I used a package of chicken breasts and cooked them over the stove top in coconut oil. Let the chicken cool and then shred it. You can add in any veggies you would like. This one has carrots, celery, and apples. I also like chicken salad with cut up multicolored mini peppers and red onion. The whole30 mayo is very easy to make. In a food processor, combine 1 egg, 1 tsp of dried mustard, and 1/4 c light olive oil (must be light**). Blend then SLOWLY drizzle in 1/2 c light olive oil. Adding it slowly makes it thicker. Once combined, add salt and pepper to taste. Refrigerate. For this chicken salad I used about 1/2-3/4 c. of this mayo.  
These are stuffed peppers and the recipe is in the Whole30 book,
This is scrambled eggs with lean ground turkey.
Here are some sweet potatoes that will go with the eggs for breakfast.
This is peppers, onions, jalapeno, and mushrooms that will also go with breakfast. 
Here is some homemade pecan butter with coconut oil.
Watch out this week to see what these meals look like when they are put together! 

Peace out!

Later Taters!

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