
Monday, September 7, 2015

Link up with Jocstled Thoughts

Good evening cupcakes! 

Tonight's post is a special one! I am linking up with a fellow blogger. Her name Is Jocelyn and she is the woman behind the blog: Jocstled Thoughts . If you browse around her blog you will realize the passion she has to inspire and help others. The layout of her blog is so stinkin cute and I am so jealous of her camera. She always takes time to make her post super special and I love the positivity she radiates all throughout her blog. She posts recipes, workouts, DIY, beauty, fashion, & inspiration. Check her out! 

If you do have a nice camera she has awesome DIY posts for a camera strap and bag. You can find those here: DIY

I feel like I always do my hair the same, so once I found her blog post about a Dutch fishtail braid, I had to try it! Check out her post here: Braidz Fo Dayz . She also has a video tutorial that is so easy to follow. 

I also watched her video on curling your hair with a curling iron which can be found here: How to: Curl Your Hair with a Straightener . My hair doesn't curl very well so I am still working on that aspect. Here is the final product: a Dutch fish tail braid on each side with curls on the bottom using a straightener. How cute is this! 

One hair tip I have for girls is to only wash your hair every other day. Your hair will thank you and it will be so much more healthy (dry shampoo will be your friend).  I think this hairstyle is perfect for that second day when I want to do something with my hair. 

I think the next time I try this I will try it the messier way. Jocelyn suggests pulling the hair out of the braid more so it gives it a messier look. Also if anyone has any ideas to hold curls on super silky straight hair, comment below and let me know! 

Don't forget to check out her blog: Jocstled Thoughts. She featured my chicken pepper nachos in this post: Yummy, Quick Meal on a Budget. Just two girls trying to inspire and reach as many people as we can <3


Later taters! xoxo

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