
Monday, October 5, 2015

Challenge Yourself

Hello cupcakes!

SO... I have surgery on my foot in 74 days. I will be on crutches for 5-6 weeks post surgery and then 5-6 weeks in a boot. With that being said, I want to start a challenge. A challenge to get in the best shape of my life before surgery. I won't be able to do much physical activity for those weeks on crutches, so why not challenge myself up to that point? I will be blogging about my progress and keeping you all updated. I also want you to challenge yourselves along the way. I want you to set one specific goal and comment below. I want this blog to be about helping and inspiring others, so let's support each other to reach our personal goals.

This quote below is going to be my motivation and inspiration for the next 10 ish weeks. 

Here is my progress so far since the beginning of school. The bottom two pictures are the start of the school year and the top three pictures were last week. I see those abs trying to make an appearance. 

I also want you to know my recipes will be more meal focused and less treat focused.. sad, I know! It's going to be so rewarding going into surgery knowing I worked my butt off for 10 weeks. My goal is to drop my body fat by 5%. I don't like to measure progress by weight. I have said this many times before. Not long ago, I purchased a scale that also calculates body fat (here is the link: Body Fat Scale Amazon) I will admit, sometimes I get discouraged when my weight shows up on the scale. This morning when I stepped on, my body fat has decreased by 2%. This does not sound like much, but it is a step in the right direction! Whoop! Setting small goals helps to accomplish larger goals; it keeps you motivated!

With all of that being said, don't forget to comment below and let me know your one specific goal for the next ten weeks. 

If it will help you, I can post my workouts along with my meal plans!

Later Taters

"It's a beautiful day, don't let it get away."


  1. So proud of you!! Definitely a difference in the pics, tori! My goal would be to drink 2-3 cups of watter each morning before my coffee. I have been doing this, but the yesterday I failed to do so.

    1. Thanks Alyssa! You are always so encouraging. I think that is a great goal for yourself! Hydration in the morning is so important!


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