
Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Caveman's Cupboard

Hello cupcakes,

Let me introduce you to a new awesome company I found: Caveman's Cupboard. They are a Paleo Company. Check out their website.

I got the chance to try two of their Cavebutters. Let me tell you a little about them...

Here is the Mocha Cavebutter:

I love this sticker on the top!
Here is the nutrition breakdown:
One thing I love about this flavor is it's Whole30 approved! Here are the ingredients: Raw Organic Cashews, Raw Organic Almonds, Raw Organic Coconut Oil, Raw Organic Cacao Powder, Organic Coffee
Look at this delicious- awesomeness. These jars are also so cute! If you are a coffee lover, you will be head over heals for this flavor. I am going to be using this on top of banana slices very soon.

Here is the second flavor I tried: Cinnamon Cashew Butter

Here is the nutrition of this flavor:
Here are the ingredients for this flavor: Raw Organic Cashews, Raw Organic Coconut Oil, Raw Wildflower Honey, Organic Cinnamon

Look how creamy this flavor looks. This flavor would be great on top of pancakes so that the butter melts a little bit.
They also have a coconut almond flavor and power flavor that I am dying to try!

Go check them out! Here is the link to their website again: Cave Butter

Later Taters!

"It's a beautiful day, don't let it get away."

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