
Friday, November 13, 2015

Friday Favorites: Homemade Espresso Lara Bars

Hello cupcakes and happy Friday!

I wanted to share another version of homemade Larabars! This one is espresso flavored!

-fresh ground coffee beans
-1 container of pitted dates
-1 pkg. raw pumpkin seeds
-1 cup homemade almond butter
-1 cup of unsweetened coconut

Here is the coffee beans I used. I ground about 1 cup in my food processor. Once ground, I dumped them into a bowl.
Here are the dates I use! I used the whole container. I used my food processor to make date paste. Start blending the dates in a food processor. Next, slowly stream in hot water until it forms a paste.
To the date paste, add 2-4 T ground coffee beans, 1 package of raw pumpkin seeds, 1 cup of almond butter, & 1 c unsweetened coconut.
Blend in the food processor until combined. This is what it looks like afterwards. If it doesn't blend all the way, you can mix it in a bowl.
Next, press into a pan. Stick the pan in the fridge or freezer for about 30 minutes. Then take out and cut into bars.

Oh and here is my leg workout for this morning:

Warm up: 
1)10 jump squats
2) 10 curtsy lunges
3) 10 lateral lunges
-Repeat 3 times

4) Hamstring curl on machine 10-12 reps
5) Deadlift 10-12 reps with plate under toes
-Repeat superset for 4 rounds

6) Single leg hamstring curl until failure on both legs
-Repeat 4 times

7) Leg extension (5,5,5- each direction)
8) Leg press 10-12 reps
-Repeat 4 times

9) Wide sumo squat with dumbbell 10-12 reps
10) Calf raises (20,20, 20 each direction)
-Repeat 4 times

11) Cable kick backs ( 15 each leg)
- Repeat 4 times

12) Cable leg swings (targets inner thighs) 15 each side
-Repeat 4 times

13) Hip thrusts with weight 20 reps
14) Regular squats with weight 12 reps
-Repeat 4 times

15) Walking lunges with weight 100 reps

Here are the link ups for today's post:  Momfessionals , A Little Bit of Everything , Grace and Love , A. Liz Adventures ,  & September F A R M . If you get a chance, check out their blogs!

Peace out! Later Taters

"It's a beautiful day, don't let it get away."

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