
Saturday, February 27, 2016

{Monday Motivation}: Otto's Cassava Flour & How to get Creative in the Kitchen

Hello cupcakes!

It's time for our third edition of Motivational Mondays with my friend and fellow blogger Maddie Butterfield. Feel free to grab the graphic above and join us! I love starting the week with some inspiration and positivity.

My goal for this post it to let you all know you can eat healthy and not have to eat boring food. I like to make eating healthy fun and exciting. I tend to eat a Paleo style diet which means almost all of the foods I eat are fresh and natural (no added chemicals or artificial ingredients). I was getting bored with my eggs and potatoes that I have eaten for the past 2-3 weeks. I decided I wanted to switch it up in the kitchen. Who else loves being creative in the kitchen?

I decided to try and make some Spinach Paleo Tortillas. I love sneaking in veggies anywhere I can get them. Perfect for kids who don't like veggies. I also like this recipe because there are not many ingredients used to make the tortillas. 


In a pan, wilt the spinach with the 3 T of water. 

While the spinach is wilting whisk together the flour and salt. After the spinach is wilted, process until smooth. 

Next, mix together the spinach puree, oil, and the flour mixture. Next, add in the egg and rest of the water. 

I was Face-timing my boyfriend as I was making these. He said, "take a picture of me so I can make it on your blog." What a keeper :)  So... shout out to Cory for being the best girlfriend a girl could ever ask for. I get to visit him soon in California so stay tuned for those posts. 

Then roll the dough into 2 balls and refrigerate for 30 minutes. 

Next, break the each ball into 3 smaller balls & roll out between parchment paper. 

Heat a skillet on medium heat. I sprayed my pan with Chosen Foods Avocado Oil Spray. Cook each side of the tortilla until brown. 

I decided to make my tortillas into egg wraps. I cooked 2 eggs, onions, and spinach. I also added Primal Kitchen Chipolte Lime Mayo to the wrap. 

I am so excited to eat this for breakfast everyday this week. Currently drooling over here as I type this up. 

So my goal for you this week is to try something new in the kitchen. Whether that be trying out a new healthy recipe in the kitchen, meal prepping your food for the next day of work, or buying a new food to use in the kitchen. Make healthy eating fun and exciting. I love when I create something new that I am so excited to eat for the rest of the week. Another easy way to sneak spinach into your diet is to make a smoothie. One smoothie that I love making is 2 scoops of Nuzest Vanilla Protein Powder {"ToriF" for 15 % off}, 1 banana, 1-2 handfuls of spinach, 1 T chia seeds, & 1-2 c unsweetened cashew or almond milk. My last easy tip for sneaking in more veggies is to make my delicious Cauliflower Pizza.

Let me tell you a little about Otto's Cassava Flour:

  • It's an all natural, grain free replacement for flour and can be used as a 1:1 ratio substitution in many recipes. 
  • There are no added fillers
  • Recipes don't come out dry when you use this flour, unlike other flour substitutes 
  • Gluten free, grain free, nut free, and soy free
  • "Also known as yuca, cassava is a delicious root vegetable that becomes the perfect alternative for wheat when dried and ground using our proprietary preparation (say THAT 5 times fast!
  • Cassava is a good source of calcium, phosphorus, manganese, iron, & potassium
  • Cassava is a good source of fiber
To read more about Otto's Cassava Flour and how the company got started, follow this link: Otto's Cassava Flour Story

Here is a link to some other recipes using Otto's Cassava Flour: Recipes

Later Taters xoxo

"It's a beautiful day, don't let it get away."

*Spinach Tortilla recipe from Fork & Beans 
1 tortilla= 95 calories, 5.3 g. fat, 16 g carbs, 1 g fiber, & 1.6 g protein

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  1. Love that Cory is featured on the blog! So jealous that you get to go to Cali soon! and that Cassava flour looks incredible!

    1. I love it too! I cannot wait to go to California :) I won't want to come back to finish school haha! Cassava flour is my savior! It is such a great substitute for regular flour. I made some health doughnuts using it too! Can't wait to share that recipe... I'm still perfecting it.


Thank you so much for taking the time to visit my blog. I love hearing from readers, so feel free to comment below xoxo