
Friday, March 18, 2016

Friday Favorites: {No Bake Protein "Cheesecake"}

Hello Cupcakes!

Today for Friday Favorites I am linking up with Andrea from Momfessionals.

I want to share one of my new favorite recipes with you... NO BAKE PROTEIN "CHEESECAKE" 

Let me start off by telling you this has no dairy in the recipe! Score in my books. I also used a food scale to measure everything since I am currently counting my macros. It also made it easier for me to figure out the correct nutritional value of a slice of this.


57 g chopped pecans
79 g dates
6 g dark cocoa powder
7ml coconut oil
1 container of trader joes vanilla coconut milk yogurt
2 scoops {Nuzest} smooth vanilla- use code "torif" for 15% off your order


In a food processor, blend dates until they form a paste. Add pecans, and pulse until combined. Next, add the cocoa powder & coconut oil to the food processor. Blend until combined. Scoop this crumble out on to a small dish. Push down to form a crust. 

Next, add coconut milk yogurt & protein powder to the food processor and blend until combined. Spoon on to the top of the crust. Refrigerate for 1-2 hours. 

Pretty Simple!

This recipe makes 4 larger servings or 8 small "bite size" servings. 

For 4 servings: 1 serving size:

193 calories
10.3 g fat
21.9 g carbs
7 g protein

For 8 bite size servings: 1 serving size:

97 calories
5.1 g fat
11 g carbs
3.5 g protein

* I used Myfitnesspal to create the nutrition. This app is so handy because I can create a recipe and tell it how many servings & it will give me the nutritional stats! I also did this for my {Protein Puppy Chow} recipe. 

I hope you all have a fantastic Friday! 

Later Taters

"It's a beautiful day, don't let it get away." 

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