
Monday, March 14, 2016

{Motivational Monday}

Hello cupcakes!

I am trying to keep myself awake here at work. Yesterday I flew back from California & it was also daylight savings time. I lost 4 hours... it was sad. I am okay with it though! It was totally worth it. I can't wait to share all of my pictures with you! Today I am linking up with a my friend Maddie Butterfield for another edition of Motivational Monday.

Maddie shared an awesome post that explained her Get Fit Goals. I thought it would be fun to go with the theme. Maddie made this wonderful sheet:

My motivation is:

1. Increasing my self-esteem and self-confidence
2. Building strength back into my left leg, foot, and ankle since I had surgery
3. Exercise makes me happy and I want to be happy for my boyfriend, friends, and family

My goals this month are:

1. Finish BBG Pre-training (Bikini Body Guide)
2. Get in 3 LISS days a week (Low Intensity Steady State Cardio)
3. Foam roll at least 2 times a week
4. Stretch after each workout
5. Follow and track my Macros 

I also wanted to mention my meal prep at the end of this post. Last night when I got back to my apartment, I knew I had to meal prep fast so that I could get to bed at a decent time. I prepped chicken , lean ground turkey, sweet potatoes, quinoa, oatmeal, eggs, green beans, broccoli, and zucchini. 

I have gone back and forth with macro tracking, but I want to try it out again! Here is what my meals look like today:

7am- Post workout: 8oz unsweetened almond milk with 2 scoops of Nuzest Protein Powder ("ToriF" for 15% off)

9am- Breakfast: 1/2 t coconut oil, 1 egg, 100 g egg whites, 1/2 c gluten free rolled oats

12pm- Lunch: 3 oz. lean ground turkey, 150 g zucchini, 1/2 c quinoa

3pm- Snack: 16 g almond butter, 145 g banana

6pm- Dinner: 3 oz chicken breast, 4 oz sweet potato, 150 g green beans

1192 calories 
34 g fat
106 g carbs
114 g protein

My goal is to hit these macros:

1447 Calories
48 g fat
145 g carbs
110 g protein

As you can see, I will need to eat some more carbs throughout the day to meet my macros. My hope is that by counting these macros I can stick to a plan Post Whole30. I also want to provide my body with the proper nutrition since I am starting BBG back up. Some of my fellow BBG girls have started macro tracking, so it also helps keep me motivated. 

I also found this helpful link for meal prep: {Bodybuilding Meal Prep}

If you would like to find out your macros, follow these links: 

Everyone's Macros are going to look different. This time I am trying a 40% carbs, 30% protein, & 30% fat ratio for my macros. It's all trial and error to see how your body responds. For more information on macros, follow this link: Macro Information

Later Taters

"It's a beautiful day, don't let it get away." 


  1. Love that you used the Get Fit Goals! It seriously is my biggest motivator for working out! I think I need to add stretching after each workout to my goals, too! That's genius! Happy Tuesday, Friend! Hope it is a great day!

    1. Thank you for your sweet words Maddie! I am usually pretty bad at stretching post workout, but I feel so much better and recover faster when I actually do it. I hope you have a great day as well :)


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