
Monday, November 14, 2016

{Stasher Bags} + Giveaway

Hello Cupcakes!

I've teamed up with {Stasher Bags} to offer a giveaway!

Here are the rules:
1) Must follow @toriswholelife & @stasherbag on Instagram
2) Tag 2 friends in the comments
3) Like my Instagram Post

That's it!

*One person will win a 15fl oz. bag & a 9.9 fl.oz. bag*

You can also use the code "SWEETLIFE10" for 10% off your order 

Now let me tell you a little bit about this awesome company...

The reason I was interested in collaborating with Stasher Bags is because I always hated using plastic bags. It felt like such a waste to me, but I didn't always want to use tupperware because that can be hard to fit in my purse or book bag. 

**Did you know it takes over 500 years for a plastic bag to break down in a landfill?** 

Stasher Bags are the first (and only) self sealing, air tight, non plastic bag in the world! 

The bags are made from pure platinum silicone and they are dishwasher/microwave safe. 

Not only are they good for our environment, but they will also save you money in the long run because you won't have to keep buying packages of plastic bags. 

**Plastics contain harmful chemicals that are dangerous to people and the environment**

To learn more about plastic vs. silicon, follow this link: {Silicon vs. Plastic}

**Did you know 20 million plastic bags go to the landfill each day?** 

I literally use mine everyday! For example, above I use the large Stasher Bag to store my snack bars for on the go fuel. I also use mine to store oven roasted veggies, fruit, and cookies. Another cool thing is they have different colors and sizes. Check out their shop: {Stasher Bags}

Some other ideas for Stasher Bags:

1) Travel bag

2) Sandwich bag
3) Pack kids lunch
4) Pack snacks for sport practice
5) Pack snacks for hiking
6) Use for bulk food shopping
7) Store coupons
8) Nail Polish storage or take along bag

9) Cord holder

10) Make up Bag

I could go on and on with suggestions for use, but if you want to see some more examples, just check out Stasher's website: {Why Stasher} They have two sizes: 15 fl.oz. & 9.9 fl.oz. Check out their website for different color options. They have some cute patterns for children too!

Here is the link to the story behind Stasher Bags: {About Stasher}

If you use Amazon Prime, these are also sold there: {Stasher Bags}

Let me know if you have any questions & don't forget to enter the giveaway posted on my Instagram!
Later Taters

"It's a beautiful day, don't let it get away." 

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