
Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Week 1 Avatar Nutrition Meal Plan + Avatar Nutrition App Review

Hello cupcakes,

I have officially started Avatar Nutrition back up!

I have started a slow fat loss stage and these are my current macros: 120 g protein, 136 g carbs, 49 g fat. My goal is to do a slow/moderate cut for 12-16 weeks or until I feel comfortable switching to a slow reverse. 

***Everyone has different macro needs, so please do not use mine. This is just to give you an example and show you my personal progress. I highly recommend signing up for Avatar Nutrition yourself so that it will be tailored to your specific needs. Read more about my Avatar Nutrition experience here. ***

My previous experience with my cut:

You can read this story/process here

Avatar Nutrition just release their own macro tracking app! YAY!

Here are the pros and cons of the Avatar Nutrition App-

-Links directly to the Avatar Nutrition site so it has your personalized macro targets
-It has a subtraction system when you enter foods so you know how much fat, protein, carbs you have left for the day
-Visually appealing
-Scan ability
-Can enter your own food macros easily
-Can create favorites
-Can search for foods based on common foods or brands

-Can take a little while to get used to if you were used to another tracking app

I will be weighing in with Avatar Nutrition on every Saturday. I also took before photos that I will share after this fat loss stage.

Here is what I have laid out for the coming week:

Breakfast: 1/2 c. oats, 1 T almond butter, 1 psyllium husk pancake (140 g egg whites, 5 g psyllium husk powder, 10 g coconut flour, 4-8 drops stevia, 1/2 tsp baking powder), & 1 tsp coconut oil

Lunch: 150 g zucchini, 120 g. Trader Joes cruciferous crunch mix, liquid aminos, 45 g jasmine rice (dry & I will cook it), 4 oz chicken breast, with dressing of mustard, liquid aminos, and stevia

Dinner: 200 g spaghetti squash, 8 pepperonis, 2 T tomato paste, 4 oz chicken breast, 1 T almond meal, 1 cup arugula, 1 T primal kitchen salad dressing

Snacks: 1 tomato basil rice cake, 1 dove dark chocolate, 8 oz homemade kombucha

Snack 2: 1 scoop protein powder, 8 oz unsweetened almond milk

TOTALS:120 g protein, 130 g carbs, 48g fat

P.S. I prep all of my food on Saturday/Sunday and will be eating basically the same meals every day of the week. 


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