
Friday, September 11, 2015

Friday Favorites

Hello cupcakes!

It's that time again... Friday Favorites! I am really loving these posts because it gives me time to reflect and appreciate my life. Here are the link ups for today: Momfessionals , A Little Bit of Everything , Grace and Love , A. Liz Adventures ,  & September F A R M . If you get a chance, check out their blogs! Each one is cute and unique. 

Number five on my list this week is: Sweating. I like to wear a sweatshirt when I do any type of cardio. I am also starting to wear sweatshirts when I lift to increase the amount I sweat. I don't know about you, but it feels so rewarding to me when I finish a workout and I am drenched in sweat. Gross I know, but so amazing! Also, I just purchased Sweet Sweat on amazon prime and it is supposed to arrive today. I will be using it tomorrow during my cardio. This is a workout enhancer, so I am excited to use it and let you all know my results. Does anyone else get that sweaty spot on your yoga pants that makes you look like you peed yourself? Stay away from light gray yoga pants if you don't want this to happen to you! Haha! I love working out in yoga pants like the ones pictured below from the Nike website.

Number four: my homemade pumpkin coffees. If you read my blog frequently, then you know I love everything Pumpkin! I will not pay lots of money for unhealthy coffees at coffee places, so I decided to create my own at home. Here is the link to my recipe:Pumpkin Spice Coffee .

Number three: Football. I love the spirit of football fans. I love going to games. I love watching football with friends and family. One thing I wish was that I could watch football games with my boyfriend (he lives in Charlotte, NC and I live in Indiana currently). I love fall and football together. I love tailgaiting! I am a Colts fan. What's your favorite team?

Number two: Go Raw Zesty Pizza Flax Snax.  I posted about these heavenly things yesterday. You can find the link here:Go Raw . The Go Raw company is so good about using fresh and natural ingredients. The ingredients list on everything is so short and you can pronounce everything. These Zesty Pizza Flax Snax taste exactly like Pizza without all of the guilt. Try them! You will not be disappointed.

AND Number one this week is: PUMPKIN healthy avocado brownies with pumpkin cashew butter and homemade one ingredient banana ice cream and my homemade pumpkin spice frappe. Here is the link to my brownie recipe: Healthy Avocado Brownies with Pumpkin Cashew Butter and here is the link to my pumpkin coffee recipe: Homemade Pumpkin Spice Frappe .

Later Taters!



  1. I looooove football! When I was younger I hated it, but when I was a senior in hs I began to enjoy it. Of course, I am a Chicago Bears fan! However...Jay Cutler needs to go ASAP!

    Thise brownies look amazing and I plan to make these and a frap soon!

    1. Alyssa,

      Football just reminds me of such relaxing and fun times! I have always been a football fan. The brownies and coffee are both pumpkin flavored so of course they are delicious and much needed during the fall!

  2. Football and pumpkin everything?! I couldn't agree more! Thanks for stopping by my blog. Glad to find someone else with gluten/dairy free recipes!

    1. You just made my day! Thanks for visiting. I couldn't agree more. It is so nice when you find others who eat the same way you do. I hope you have a fantastic week!


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