
Saturday, October 3, 2015

New Meals for Meal Prep

Good Morning Cupcakes!

I hope everyone is off to a wonderful start of their weekend. Yesterday I went grocery shopping and prepped meals for 7 days. I am going to walk you step by step through my prepping. 

First, I made some eggs. I used two baking dishes and lined them with foil. I spread coconut oil on the foil with my fingers. This will prevent the egg whites from sticking when cooked. Next, I dumped 1 whole carton of egg whites into the 2 pans. I cut up peppers my grandmother gave me from her garden, and I added them to the egg whites. I topped it with salt and pepper. I popped them in the oven at 350 degrees until the eggs were set. I didn't set a timer for these, so I don't know exactly how long it took. If I had to guess, I would say somewhere between 30-40 minutes. 

Here is the finished product. I cut the two pans into 6 servings because I already have some leftover eggs from last meal prep that I can eat today (I am prepping meals for Saturday-Thursday... I leave for Charlotte on Friday!)
I also made some banana pancakes with a spin. In my food processor, I added 6 bananas, 12 eggs, 1/4 c coconut flour, 2 T dark cocoa powder, and 1 T raw honey. I blended this until smooth and combined. I let it sit in the food processor for 5-10 minutes. This gives the coconut flour and cocoa powder a chance to soak up some liquid. Then I cooked the pancakes in a skillet with some coconut oil. Plan ahead if you are going to make a batch this big because it will take a while to cook all of the pancakes. This made about 11 big pancakes. 
Here is what they look like when they are finished! YUM!
I also made myself a little treat. Sorry guys, I did not measure anything specifically, but I have a general idea. This brownie has about 1 cup of my homemade almond butter, 2-3 T raw honey, 1/4 c egg whites, and 1 1/2- 3 T dark cocoa powder. I baked this on parchment paper in an oven at 350 degrees for about 20 minutes. 
Next, I made some zucchini noodles using my spiralizer (Amazon Spiralizer). I used 7 zucchinis. I cooked them in a big span with a little bit of chicken broth. * Always check your chicken broth labels. I always choose one that has little sodium. The one I used only had 30 mg of sodium and very few ingredients. 
Here is the cauliflower sauce I made to go with the noodles. Here is the recipe for that:

Cauliflower Sauce:

8 cloves of garlic, minced
2 T coconut oil
6-7 c chicken broth 
1 t salt
1/2 t pepper
1/2 c unsweetened almond milk

Saute the garlic with the coconut oil in a large skillet (low heat). Cook until the garlic is soft fragrant. Make sure the garlic does not brown. Then remove from the heat and set aside.  In a large pot, bring the chicken broth to a boil and add the cauliflower. Cook until tender and do not drain. Use a slotted spoon to transfer the cauliflower to a food processor. Add the sauteed garlic, salt, pepper, almond milk, and 1 c of cooking liquid from the cauliflower. Process until smooth. 
Here is what it looks like on the cooked zucchini noodles. I topped this with some sliced chicken breast. 
I cooked the chicken breasts in my crockpot for 7-8 hours on low (chicken breast, chicken broth, pepper, and garlic). 
I also like to use this canned chicken when I am short on time. This is one of the only brands I can find that I will eat because many canned chickens have so many ingredients or ingredients I do not want to put in my body. I got this from Meijer, but I have also found it at Wal-Mart. 
See how there are only two ingredients... A+
I used the cut up peppers for my next side that I will use to go with this canned chicken. 
I cut up 2 sweet potatoes, 1 butternut squash from my grandma, and 1/2 a red onion, peppers. I placed them on a foil lined cookie sheet and added salt and pepper. I covered it with foil and placed in the oven at 400 degrees for 20-30 minutes. After this, check the veggies. They may need to cook longer. Cook until all veggies are soft. 
Of course I had to make some more cold brew coffee. If you want this recipe, it can be found here: How to Make Cold Brew Coffee.
I just got my new mug in the mail and I am beyond excited to use it! Shutterfly had an amazing deal going on where I got to create my own mug for about 13 dollars including the 8 dollar shipping. The mug alone is usually 22 dollars plus the 8 dollar shipping. Money well spent in my opinion! Look how great this turned out,
I used one of my panoramic photos from Crowder's Mountain and of course I chose the one with Cory in it as well. I am so in  love with this. The inside is even my favorite color. Thanks Shutterfly! I also make many photobooks through this company. Here is their website if you are interested: Shutterfly.

I also make a green shake to drink after my fasted cardio or before my lifting sessions. I use 1 banana, 4 T hemp protein, 1 tsp probiotic supplement powder, 1/2 t spirulina, and water. 

Here is my meal plan:
Breakfast: shake
Breakfast 2: egg white fritta
Lunch: chicken and oven baked veggies
Dinner: zucchini noodles with cauliflower sauce and chicken breasts
Snack: apple slices with homemade almond butter & cocoa banana pancakes
-Dessert if needed: almond butter brownies (p.s I keep these frozen until I want one so that I don't eat all of them)

I hope you enjoyed this week's meal prep with Tori! 

Later Taters 

"It's a beautiful day, don't let it get away."

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