Hello cupcakes!
If you love truffles and brownies, you will love what I am about to share with you. I get so excited when I find companies that produce chocolate desserts that taste amazing and use only healthy ingredients. Things I look for when trying out new food products:
1. Dairy Free
2. No artificial ingredients
3. No refined sugars
4. Created with customers' health in mind
{Honey Mamas} is a company that meets my expectation! Let me share a little about this company...
"Honey Mama's is a Portland, Oregon based company with a mission to offer nourishing foods that taste out of this world delicious and naturally stimulate well being. Our flagship product is a raw, nutrient rich cacao-honey dessert. It is made from five pure ingredients that combine to offer an easy to digest treat that celebrates your health and brings a rich depth of flavor to your senses! Soy, dairy, egg, gluten, and grain free. Think truffle meets brownie and you’ve got it!"
There are six different flavors of Honey Mamas bars.
Ingredients: Single origin alkalized cocoa, raw local honey, sprouted almonds, unrefined coconut oil, Himalayan pink salt, and vanilla.
This flavor was a lot like hot chocolate! I love when I bite into one of these bars and the chocolate just melts in my mouth. One tip, keep these bars in the fridge or freezer. They will melt if left out.
Ingredients: Single origin Peruvian cacao, cayenne, Saigon cinnamon, raw local honey, sprouted almonds, unrefined coconut oil, Himalayan pink salt, and vanilla.
So to be honest, this was probably my least favorite flavor. If you are a person who likes spicy chocolate, then this would be for you. I am not a complete fan of the cayenne/chocolate combination.
Ingredients: Single origin alkalized cocoa, Oregon heirloom peppermint oil, raw local honey, coconut meat, unrefined coconut oil, and Himalayan pink salt.
This was my favorite bar by far! I am a huge sucker for the mint and chocolate combination. Imagine a thin mint girl scout cookie flavor combine into a truffle like brownie that is way healthier for you. Yep, that would be this!
Ingredients: Single origin Peruvian cacao, raw local honey, sprouted almonds, unrefined coconut oil, Himalayan pink salt, and vanilla.
This flavor is close to the flavor of the Dutch Cacao-Nectar Bar. There is a slight difference between the two. Personally, I think the dutch was a tad sweeter. This one tasted more like a dark chocolate bar because it is made with raw cacao! P.S. raw cacao offers more antioxidants! Score! Overall, I really enjoyed this flavor.
Ingredients: Single origin alkalized cocoa, raw local honey, medium shred coconut, unrefined coconut oil, Himalayan pink salt, and vanilla
This flavor was pretty tasty! I love coconut and chocolate combined. The Honey Mama's Team replaced the almond with coconut meat to make this bar 100% nut free! This combination of ingredients makes this bar very smooth, delicate, and refreshing!
Ingredients: Single origin alkalized cocoa, lavender oil, dried red rose petals, raw local honey, coconut meat, unrefined coconut oil, and Himalayan pink salt.
Another interesting flavor combination. I was not sure about this flavor to begin with, but it started to grow on me. I love lavender tea, but I am still trying to get used to it in chocolate form. Any lavender fans out there?
Joseph Nordqvist from the Medical Knowledge center reports, "Lavender oil is believed to have antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties which can be used to help heal minor burns and bug bites. Research has revealed that the essential oil of lavender may be useful for treating anxiety, insomnia, depression, and restlessness."
Use the code: "SWEETLIFE " to receive 10% off your order now through March 31st. Here is a link to: {Honey Mama's Shop}
How delicious do these look though!?
Let me give you the nutrition stats on one bar (they all have pretty similar stats):
To read more about how Christy started Honey Mamas, follow this link: About Honey Mamas
I can't get over how pretty these bars look. I was so excited to get some awesome pictures of Honey Mama's Bars.
Later Taters
'It's a beautiful day, don't let it get away."
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