
Friday, August 28, 2015

My Challenge for all of You

Hello! Welcome back to my blog!

I just wanted to say thank you for reading and I hope I can have even the littlest impact on your life :) I challenge you to be happy & healthy. This morning as I was laying in bed after my alarm went off to go workout, I had a light bulb moment. I thought, "I should be excited to go workout...Not everyone is blessed with the opportunity or capability to workout." This got me up and going! We should take the time to really appreciate all that we are able to do. 

With that being said, I want to start a Whole30 challenge. My challenge to you is to take the time to appreciate your food and your body. I will be here to help you with motivation, encouragement, meal ideas, etc. I am going to start the Whole30 on September 1st. If you are wanting to join me in this challenge, comment below and let me know you will be doing the Whole30 with me. If you do not know what the Whole30 is and would like more information before agreeing to the challenge, then you can read my past posts: printables , foodrules . 

Please share this post with anyone you think would like to join this challenge and journey to a happy and healthy life & comment below to let me know if you are joining me!!

Thanks everyone! You all ROCK!

Later Taters <3


  1. I'm torn whether or not I want to do another Whole30. :/

  2. I thought about it, and I will do another Whole30 with you! I was afraid I would get too caught up like last time, but I am hoping I won't. Plus, when I got caught up and it triggered some past thoughts, I was able to bounce back. Yay for Whole30 round two! I am debating if I should blog about it. I haven't blogged in so long!

    1. It's really up to you! No pressure at all! I think if you do it you should blog about it. It may help you get through any negative/bad thoughts you may have


Thank you so much for taking the time to visit my blog. I love hearing from readers, so feel free to comment below xoxo